Human Resources
We know human capital is the foundation of all businesses.
We got you.
If you are still using forms from circa 1920, that’s okay. Alygn Solutions offers document standardization to ensure that forms have alignment (formats, fonts, layouts, etc.). We will ensure you look professional in every aspect.
Digitizing of Personnel Records
with Data Indexing
Information at your fingertips, while reducing the printing blueprint of your business. Alygn Solutions will scan, sort, and data-index personnel records.
Uploading digitized
Personnel Record
Ready to work remotely? Digital records will be uploaded into your Information System, readily available.
Employee Relations
Job Description Maintenance
We can update, audit, align and benchmark.
Handbook Maintenance
We’ll format, design, and align your employee handbook, ensuring compliance.
Progressive Discipline
We’ll review of draft responses/documentation, provide feedback, include templates and aspects of effective progressive discipline.
Independent Grievance Officer
Serve as an independent hearing officer and provide determinations based on investigatory outcomes.
Independent Work Place Investigations
Assist as a independent investigator and provide determinations based on evidence.
Grievance Response Review
Review evidence and review grievance response.
Alygn Solutions can review/audit policies and make recommendations to ensure compliance with HR state and federal laws. We can provide hotline website and dedicated phone number.
Globalize your company by expanding your reach to bilingual populations! English/Spanish.
Text Only
We translate “text only” documents.
Text & Formating
We’ll translate and ensure your document looks and functions as it should in both languages.
Unlimited Translations
We got you covered for a whole year and you’ll get any document you need in both languages FAST!